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Mentor a youth/ Improve your workforce

When you give the opportunity for a young person to explore skilled trades, they can make informed decisions about their future education and training.

Hamilton employers have told Workforce Planning Hamilton that they believe a lack of interest and awareness, and even a lower skill level is impacting the quality of candidates applying for jobs. (Under Pressure 2.0)

Youth can not be what they can not see. Invite a student to learn about your business or organization, show them the skills and training required, and the value of the goods or services you provide. Students are interested in experiential learning and their skill and talent will increase, improving their employability. This benefits the student and current and future employers.

Under Pressure 2.0  - In-Demand Skilled Trades

Reasons to hire an apprentice

  1. Match an employer with a student who is willing to learn who is WSIB covered by the Ministry of Education and comes with no cost to the employer.
  2. Sponsoring an OYAP student as a Registered Apprentice has no impact on an employer’s current journeyperson to apprentice ratio.
  3. An employer has the option to end the agreement at any time or to sponsor the student as an apprentice at any time during the placement
  4. An employer can try the apprentice for the Co-op term and decide whether or not to hire the apprentice at the end of the placement.
  5. You gain what you train. Provides a mentoring opportunity for an experienced employee to train a high school student who may become a valuable employee.

 More employer benefits of apprenticeship

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